
還發現,一邊試版型一邊聽BBC廣播劇真是絕佳搭配。今早聽了四齣Afternoon Play (,其中最喜歡的是這兩齣:

(1) The Last Days of Gordon Springer
By Richard Stevens (電腦工程師因為花痴而低估了美豔商業間諜的故事)

An IT manager has an almost God-like power over the office network and can tap into any of his colleagues' secrets whenever he likes.

Director/producer Fiona McAlpine

(2) A Certain Justice

By P D James, dramatised by Neville Teller (絕讚!本格偵探推理劇)

Venetia Aldridge, QC, is a distinguished criminal lawyer. When she secures the acquittal of a young man, Garry Ashe, from the charge of murdering his aunt, a series of bizarre events is set in train. Adam Dalgliesh takes charge of the case, which baffles him at first - but then step by step the cunning plot that lies behind the murder is brought to light.

Producer/director Tracey Neale.

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