年近五十歲的建築師耶,連洗衣房的門都會畫到門關不起來!? 她的基本功都會做,但是每一樣做得其爛無比。 我根本就像評圖老師一樣、得一一指出她老人家的錯誤, 而且她自己是美國人耶,還連英文的理解能力都有限, 年紀一大把了連building code都不熟,plumbing 的表都看不懂, 我不知道她怎麼有臉開這個事務所。我的天啊!

Dear Rebecca,

please remember that I can only take cash payment due to my visa regulation.

also i regret to say that i am unable to continue to work after friday as i have decided to return to Taiwan for a job offer and want to take a little time off before i return.

All My Best.

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