【圖說】被借位攝影,底下長了兩隻腳的小熊海綿蛋糕,名喚financier (其實就是加了很多糖和奶油作成的緊實杏仁海綿蛋糕).  這個字並不是英文財政家的意思,而是一種法國點心的名字。我在住家附近的比利時糕餅店COLSON 買的,吃過的人都叫好。

今天和擔任過墾丁國家公園解說員的K小姐一起去爬Bear Mountain(熊山)看紅葉。2008年的秋天來得好快,十月中氣溫就已經降到攝氏十度,山景非常漂亮。





圖左)© Roulier/Turiot/photocuisine/Corbis
(圖右) © Hammond/SoFood/Corbis


• 200g Plain flour
• 200g Icing sugar
• 150g Unsalted butter
• Finely ground almonds
• 50 g sliced almonds
• 4 Eggs whites
• Salt to taste

How to make Financier Cake:
•    Melt the butter and let it cool down a bit.
•    Mix the flour, the sugar, the ground almonds and a pinch salt together in a bowl.
•    Dig a "shaft" and add the egg whites, mix, then add the melted butter.
•    Mix vigorously.
•    Butter the baking tins, and evenly pour the pastry in them, then spread with the sliced almonds.
•    Bake in preheated oven at 180°C for 25 minutes.
•    Let it cool for 3 minutes and take them out from tins.
•    Financier Cakes are ready.

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